Throughout the deep sea waters of the beautiful oceans are some wonderful creatures. They may look friendly, or maybe even scary, but the point is that you have to be careful of the dangers and aware of all the surroundings. Most of the attacks and deaths that occur in the ocean waters are from sharks, especially The Great White Sharks. From the knowledge we consume during research, we understand that sharks are not out to get human beings and intentionally hurt us. Sharks typically eat warm blooded animals, which are mammals. Humans are also mammals so going into the oceans is just putting your life at risk. The daily life of a shark consists of roaming and hunting in the oceans. Scuba divers go cage diving so they can see what the mysterious sharks are doing. People generalize sharks as horrible animals that only hurt people. They do not mean to. They feel like you are breaking into their home when you are swimming in their tank. Do not do anything to tempt them and put your life at risk. The main reasons they choose to attack include the following. The water is murky and they do not realize what you are. You are shaped like a seal in their eyes and seals are warm blooded animals, which they like. Sometimes it all depends what time of the day it is, because most attacks have happened around sunrise and when it starts to get dark out. Where schools of fish gather and swim, is typically where you will find a shark hiding out, because that is their chance to chow down on some prey. So swimming in an area of a school of fish is probably not the smartest idea. Lastly, do not provoke the shark. As long as you are not bothering them by causing racket and harming them, they will not bother you because you are not worth their time. If you love the ocean or want to scuba dive make sure you are aware of the possible dangers around you.
Like most of the other websites, sharks are more likely to attack when they are provoked or when they mistake you for a seal.
Sharks do not attack because they are hungry. It is the actions you as an individual take that could provoke them into attacking.
Sharks do not eat people because they are hungry. They only eat humans when to them you seem like prey, are wearing bright colors (avoid orange, yellow, and red), bother them on purpose, and by splashing and making loud noises.
Sharks will most likely not attack unless you give them a reason to.
On this site it states six reasons to why sharks attack. They attack because they mistake you for prey, poor vision, what time of the day it is, the location in the ocean, fish schools, and the fact that you are sharing the habitat with them.
Sharks are deadly. We all know that the oceans waters are not always crystal clear. The cloudiness of the waters make the sharks mistake humans for other warm blooded sea creatures.