
Eric Smith was eighteen years old when he passed away. He died on July, 27th 2011 in Clear Water, Florida. Eric was on vacation in Florida with his family when he was attacked by two sharks will tubing in the ocean.

Eric was born on May, 8th 1993 in Normal, Illinois. Eric’s parent’s names are Evan and Elizabeth Smith, he had a younger sister, Carly, who is eight years younger than Eric. His family was always very proud of him and his accomplishments. Eric always loved playing baseball and his baseball team had just won state. Then he graduated from Bloomington Normal High School class 2011. After the summer he was planning on attending Illinois State University in Fall 2011 to play baseball and study business there. Aside from baseball Eric also had many other talents, he was very athletic. Eric was also a very smart student and always applied himself in school. What is most memorable about Eric is his caring towards others. He was very giving and willing to help others before himself. Eric is loved and will be greatly missed.

Eric Smith is survived by his parents, Evan and Elizabeth Smith and sibling Ellen Smith.

The funeral service will be held at Elm View Mortuary, on the 30th of July, 2011.

This website is full of information and statistics specific to who is getting attacked, like unprovoked shark attacks, and attacks on divers. Each in their own category on the website you can click and view graphs showing the correlation between shark attacks and all different types of things. All of this information will help in writing our paper because it provides us with many comparisons and statistics about shark attacks. This website may not be credible but I believe it might be because it is full of information that seems logical.

This source lists states where shark attacks have occurred from 2006 - 2010 then lists the amount of shark attacks that have happened, also how many fatal attacks there are. So this information is helpful in writing our paper because now we have facts. Also I like this website because before it just gives you the statistics, it supplies you with some background knowledge on shark attacks, what types of sharks, how many and where. Lastly, this source is credible because it is, .org.

This website has a wealth of information, the statistics are not just about the amount of shark attacks in the USA but it provides statistics from the types of sharks. Which most attacks are made my white sharks. It also provides information on who, what month, what time of day, and what depth of water. Each of these categories are given a pie chart to help explain the statistics which is very helpful. These are all very specific to shark attacks and that will help in the writing process so our paper can be specific and not vague. I really like this website, and I believe it is credible because it is filled with information and very specific.

This source provides statistics on shark attacks about how many attacks happen and how many are fatal.

This comes from the same website as the post above. It provides statistics on shark attacks from 1670 - 2010 not by any specific shark. Again these statistics apply on to shark attacks in the USA. This will help in the writing of our essay because it provides us with many valid statistics on shark attacks. Also the information is easy to understand and use as evidence.